Monday, 18 February 2013


A2 Horror project questionnaire
1. Was our poster successful in creating interest in our film?
2. Does our poster and trailer look professional?
3. Would you buy our magazine if you saw it in stores?
4. Does our trailer create any tension or feelings?
5. Do you understand the plot of our trailer?
6. Do you understand and see the link that our trailer, magazine and poster have?
7. By looking at the poster would you watch the movie in cinemas?
8. From watching the trailer, would you go to watch the film in cinema?
9. Was there any specific part of the trailer that made you jump/ frightened you?
10. What do you think about the special effects, sound edits in the trailer and were they effective?
11. Did the music and sound effects relate to the story line and horror genre?
12. Are there any comments or ways in which we can improve our products?

Monday, 11 February 2013

Front cover positioning

Here is an update on the Front Cover magazine that my group and I have been working on. I believe we have added many conventions into the magazine and will be adding much more. We have asked for some feedback from teachers and students about positioning our text and where the final girl should be placed. 

My original front cover was the top one and I had tried to move her to the side to see how it would work. Some students and teachers like the side on effect and some prefer it in the middle. Personally, I prefer it in the middle however, not everyone in my group agrees.

 After long discussion about what will benefit us more, we had decided we will be sticking to keeping it in the middle as this is a common convention used in most magazines. The text will be wrapped around the final girl but not covering her face.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Sharpening eyes

This shows how I sharpened the eyes on Photoshop. It was a simple process where I selected around the eye pupil using the shape-tool and clicked on filter and sharpen.
I found that this sharpened around the edges of the pupil, which instantly made it stand out and look more frightening.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

lionsgate trailer opening

We chose to use Lionsgate as the production company for our trailer, as we have noticed that a lot of horror films with a similar target audience as ours use Lionsgate. We used the Lionsgate logo at the beginning of our trailer but edited it to make it better suit the horror genre.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Poster Sci Fi effect

I have included a Sci-Fi high definition look which works well as my trailer includes a lot of Sci-Fi filtered scenes to create a 'being watched' or 'recorded' look. The poster is done as if it is being seen at night time from a camera or a CCTV. I feel that using this really connects with the audience as the final girl is staring directly at the camera (audience) which shows a 'help me' signal being given off.

I have included the '18' logo on the bottom left of the poster to show that the film is an 18 rated film by the BBFC which stands for British Board of Film Classification. This is done as it shows professionalism within my poster and what sort of film it is.

Also, I have added a 'Lionsgate' sponsor on the bottom right which is seen on many films by Lionsgate. I did this because not only is it professional but, Lionsgate is recognised internationally and allows my poster to seem like a big upcoming film that will have its own premieres and interviews and would be all over tv adverts and news.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Filtering and adjusting colours of poster

Karwin and I been working on the poster for a few days and we have been adjusting different colours and filters to the original image which is a picture of the final girl's eye. Below is the picture.

Karwin and I chose to use this picture as we believe it shows fear. We have discussed this with our group and we all agree that once it had been manipulated on Photoshop, it would look even scarier and relate to the film.

The image below was an edit that I really like it but it doesnt give a horror or scary effect.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Airbrushing Poster

The top poster has been airbrushed to get rid of any unwanted attention on the picture of the final girl's eye. The eyebrow had tiny little hairs that we felt got in the way of the poster so that was removed by using the airbrush tool. We also felt that dots of mascara spread around her eye was taking away the attention, too.

I feel that including small details like this is really effective as I believe that small things could make a big change to our final outcome.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Static Effect

This is another version of the front cover that has static over the layout. This was to imply the interruption with technology that Slenderman can create. My group and I felt that this was not effective to be used in a magazine cover as it is not clear. We suggested that we use the static effect for our upcoming poster.